Magnetocaloric – Alternative Technology for Laser Diode Cooling
Magnetocaloric – Alternative Cooling Technology. AMS Technologies works on the development of industrial magnetocaloric prototype based on the principle of the active magnetic regenerator.
The industrial magnetocaloric prototype is designed for 200 W cooling capacity at 20°C and up to 30°C ambient temperature. As part of the Mk-MedA consortium, funded by ZIM and BMWi (FKZ: 16KN068320) we partner with the Institute for Thermodynamics of the Leibniz Universität Hannover, Fraunhofer IFAM and FW-Systeme with assistance by Eura AG.
The (German) article in “KI Kaelte Luft Klimatechnik” issue 6/7 2020 on page 44 gives insights into the interdisciplinary development. Contact us to learn more about this alternative cooling technology.